Doyenne Showcase events take place as the capstone of the Triple Threat Venture Training program, happening in June, and November annually. These events highlight entrepreneurs who are part of the Triple Threat Venture Training, the impact they make in our community and economy and how being part of Doyenne has transformed their venture.
Active Participation Required: At the event, you'll hear rapid 1-minute pitches from each entrepreneur before you're put into virtual table groups for 4-5 rotations where you'll be an active participant hearing 5 minute pitches and giving feedback to a different entrepreneur during each rotation.
The Showcase events are a fantastic opportunity for everyone in our community to learn about and meet Doyenne Entrepreneurs who are building scalable, innovative ventures. We encourage everyone who supports business growth and development within our community to attend.
Click on the event date to see who will be presenting at each event and register for your tickets to attend.