Fall Strategy Accelerator - Info Session 2
08/12/2020 16:00 to 08/12/2020 17:00 (US/Central)
United States
The strategy accelerator
know thyself and thy venture
have a strategy
bring others on the journey
Entrepreneurship happens within a life. Women, especially, wear many hats and can't afford to drop everything to focus on their business.
The Doyenne Strategy Accelerator fixes that. Designed to span the course of 3 months with small touch-points, you are free to work on your business, while still working in your business. Packed with content such as emotional intelligence workshops, visual logic models workshops, and customized strategy development, we also ensure you're armed with coaches, cohort feedback, and mentors to harvest those critical resources that will launch your next phase.
In this information session, we'll review the content, structure, and class schedule and then answer questions - not to mention get to know each other. We accept a maximum of 10 ventures per cohort.