Corporate support

aligning your brand with doyenne's mission

To truly create entrepreneurial ecosystems where all women thrive it takes everyone doing their part. Influencing and modeling change cannot happen only within the entrepreneurial space, we need our support business services and the greater community to also take a stand in demonstrating what change and equality amongst genders look like.

Doyenne is able to mobilize a community through the partnerships we have with our corporate supporters so we can continue to 

    1. Provide excellent professional development programming & coaching services

    2. Provide dollars and build pipelines for better and more equal access to capital for women to move their ventures forward

    3. Continue to transform narratives and create dialogue as to where change needs to happen and call out the inequalities that 
        hold women back

If you are a corporation who believes in the Doyenne mission and wants to be part of our movement of change happening please contact us at to discuss potentials and ways we can partner.

2022 Organizational Level sponsors

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2022 program sponsors

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