Our Mission

Doyenne serves early-stage, scalable vetnures led by women and marginalized gender(s) entrepreneurs for economic growth and continued success.

We focus on three core strategies to support entrepreneurs as they scale their dreams:

  • Develop the Entrepreneur: Expand entrepreneurial skills through professional development workshops and webinars, and provide public programming to highlight women entrepreneurs

  • Fund the Ventures: Put dollars into the hands of underreprensented entrepreneurs and create pipelines for more classes of individuals to invest in each other

  • Transform the Narrative: Changing the face of entrepreneurship through our collective voice and the way underrepresented entrepreneurs are recognized and supported within an entrepreneurial ecosystem

Our History

Doyenne was founded in 2012 by Heather Wentler and Amy Gannon to right two wrongs. First, to eliminate the gender gap in the entrepreneurial community and second, because they were tired of asking time and again “Where are all the women?” Rather than continue to complain, they decided to do something about it. Doyenne is a 501c3 non-profit organization run by the founder, a Board of Directors, employee & contracted team members, and an army of volunteers.

OUr Vision


Doyenne is building and expanding a virtual network of communities where early-stage, scalable, women and underrepresented entrepreneurs come to access professional development, connections, and other opportunities with each other and our partners.

Join our Vision by attending a Doyenne Informational Session to learn more and get involved